I wanted to provide a quick heads-up to let you all know that I will be participating as a panelist at the Linda Hall Library’s “Second Saturday Conversation” tomorrow, March 11th, from 11 AM to noon Central Time. The topic will be the hopes, concerns, and possibilities for research funding, infrastructure projects, and energy development
Primers on Renewable Law Topics
Wind Project Development: From a Legal Perspective
Recently, Alan Anderson and I were thrilled to be invited to present to a class at the Washburn University Law School. For those of you that don’t know, Washburn has developed a truly exceptional energy and oil & gas law program (something that I dearly wish I could have had in law school), thanks in…
North American WindPower: On the Front Lines – Advocates Prevail in State RPS Fight
I wanted to drop in to quickly announce that the June edition of North American WindPower includes a cover article drafted by yours truly, Alan Claus Anderson and Britton Gibson of the Polsinelli Energy Group. The article, entitled “On the Front Lines: Advocates Prevail in State RPS Fight,” provides an overview…
U.S. Court of Appeals Decision Likely to Impact State Transmission and RES Policies
On June 7th, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit issued an opinion that could have significant impacts on transmission and renewable energy policies across the country. The decision, issued by Judge Richard Posner, one of the most influential legal scholars in the country, considers the propriety of two orders of the…
Kansas Wind Energy’s Economic Benefits: Future Development Potential
Energy policy issues are notoriously complex. Seemingly small changes in a state’s energy policy can lead to wide-ranging and often unintended political, economic, and environmental consequences. In an effort to facilitate thoughtful policy discussions about these issues in the state of Kansas, several attorneys from the Polsinelli Shughart energy practice group, Alan Claus Anderson, Britton…
Kansas Wind Energy’s Economic Benefits: Part 2
Energy policy issues are notoriously complex. Seemingly small changes in a state’s energy policy can lead to wide-ranging and often unintended political, economic, and environmental consequences. In an effort to facilitate thoughtful policy discussions about these issues in the state of Kansas, several attorneys from the Polsinelli Shughart energy practice group, Alan Claus Anderson, Britton…
New Renewable Energy Legislation in Colorado
The legislature of the State of Colorado has been very active on renewable energy issues over the last few weeks. Three bills have been making steady progress through the House and Senate in Denver, each of which could have a noticeable effect on the renewable industries in the state.
I. Coal-Mine Methane as a Renewable …
President Obama’s Energy Plan: A Closer Look

On Tuesday, President Barack Obama presented his annual State of the Union address. One of the most interesting topics…
States Renew Interest in Renewable Energy Standards
Despite the doom and gloom that seems to be dominating the renewable energy headlines of late, I’ve noticed an interesting trend that should bode very well for the continued development of renewable energy in the United States. While the Federal Government’s lack of action on the 1603 grant has cast serious uncertainty about the future…
Kansas Wind Energy’s Economic Benefits: Part 3
Energy policy issues are notoriously complex. Seemingly small changes in a state’s energy policy can lead to wide-ranging and often unintended political, economic, and environmental consequences. In an effort to facilitate thoughtful policy discussions about these issues in the state of Kansas, several attorneys from the Polsinelli Shughart energy practice group, Alan Claus Anderson, Britton…