As this blog has noted numerous times, it isn’t always easy to get a solar or wind project constructed. In fact, as we’ve discussed before, often one of the most expensive impediments to a project’s development is the local and state permitting process. The Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association (COSEIA) puts a number
Illinois Counties Choose Dramatically Different Responses to Wind Projects
Illinois has seen a flurry of activity at the county level regarding how to best balance the economic and environmental benefits of wind energy development in the state with the concerns of local landowners. In addressing this issue, Bureau County and Iroquois County have recently decided upon dramatically different approaches, and the resulting economic impacts…
Link Round-Up: Best Renewable Energy law links this week
1.) “U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, AWEA, Wind Developers Sign Agreement to Promote Endangered Species Conservation,” by Tom Gray on the AWEA Blog: Into the Wind
“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and wind energy companies have signed a memorandum of understanding, pledging to work together to…
Welcome to!
Welcome to! My name is Luke Hagedorn, and I am an attorney based in Kansas City, MO that is primarily focused on renewable and traditional energy issues.
Over the course of my career, I have been struck by the fact that there is no one consistent body of law that renewable energy developers have…